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Workshop on Preparing Course Outcomes for the Curriculum

Resource Person: Dr. Shailesh Kasande

Affiliation: CEO and Group Director, Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune.

Date: 9th  April, 2022

Duration: 9am – 5pm

Venue: Smart Classroom


IQAC organized a workshop on preparing SAR for NBA. This workshop was taken by Dr. Shailesh Kasande, CEO and Group Director, Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune.

The workshop included explaining different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate, Create. Outcome based approach is used for developing curriculum, in teaching-learning process, in assessment & evaluation and in GAP analysis. COs should have action verb, the subject matter and the context.He took certain portion of the session on explaining program educational outcomes, how assessment should be done and feedback from the students should be taken on the continuous basis. PEO and POs should be developed using AICTE 2018model curriculum. Institutional vision and mission should be formed using NEP 2020. Mapping of PEO should be done with mission statement. He also conducted an execrcise of mapping mission with PEOs.

Development of rubrics on different parameters were also explained on the level 1-5 clearly outlining the attainment w.r.t the CO developed. To calculate attainment level 80% was suggested to be given to direct assessment and 20% to indirect assessment. Course exit survey, program exit and alumini survey was suggested to be conducted and then CO attainment would be calculated using the given formula.

The session was very informative and gave a great direction for the developing a syllabus, rubrics and calculation of the attainment level.