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Inauguration of Entrepreneurship Development,Innovation & Incubation Cell

Entrepreneurship Development, Innovation and Incubation Cell was inaugurated on 20th June 2019. The cell aims at establishing the infrastructure and the requisite frameworks for inculcating a culture, mindset and skills for creating entrepreneurs.

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. Apoorva Palkar (Director- center of Innovation & Incubation Linkage), Mr. Vinayak Deshpande (Director Engineering-Harman International)and Mr. Harshvardhan Ranande(Founder-Biznovators) were the Guests of Honour.

Mr. Avinash Thakur(Head & CEO DPU Incubation Center), the keynote speaker highlighted the relevance of teaching entrepreneurship in PGDM courses, explaining the need of the hour to enhance oneself from an employee to employment generator. The session ended with an outdoor activity where the students were given an initial investment of Rs. 100 to formulate and execute a business idea, with the team with the highest profit at the end of the day was declared the winner.