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Faculty Development Program

FDP on Identifying Intellectual Property component at the Early Stage of Innovation

Research & Publication cell of Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School organized an in house Faculty development Program on Identifying Intellectual Property component at an early stage of Innovation.


To make the audience aware about how to identify Intellectual property Rights at the early stage of Innovation.

Resource Person: Dr. Atul Kumar

Audience present: 16

Program Date: 4th Feb 2021

Session duration: 11am-4:30pm (5 hours)


The session began with explaining what property is and an individual's right over it, and how intellectual property rights can be clearly understood.

Intellectual Property Rights cover the Creation of the human mind, which results from human creativity and innovation. It enables people to earn recognition and earn financial benefits and encourage inventiveness. He also discussed the difference between invention and innovation. The invention refers to the occurrence of an idea for a product or a process that has never been made before, innovation applies the implementation of an idea for product or process for the very first time. The Smartphone, the car, the desktop computer are inventions. While Innovation is the continual upgrade of inventions. The Types of IPR are Patent, Trademark, Trade secret, Geographical indication, Copyright, Plant varieties, Design.

Importance of IPR in a startup: Every startup has IP rights, which it needs to, understand and protect for excellence in its business. Every startup uses a trading name, brand, logo, advertisement, inventions, design products, or a website that possesses valuable IP rights. While starting any venture, the startup also needs to confirm that it is not in violation of the IP rights of any other person to save itself from any unwarranted litigation or legal action which can thwart its business activities.

Trademarks: Trademarks means any words, symbols, slogans, product packaging, or design that identify the goods or services, particular source.

Trade secrets: Any confidential business information which provides an enterprise or competing edge may be considered a trade secret.

Industrial Design: These are the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colors applied to the product, making it look different from other articles in the market.

Copyright: It is a right given by the law to creator of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematographic films and sound recordings.

Patent: Patent law is that branch of intellectual property law that deals with new inventions such as circuit boards car engines, heating coils or zippers.

The session ended with explained how to obtain IPRs, the methods of managing IP and information about various funding opportunities.

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