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Save Flag

Date: 15th August 2023

Time: 10: 00 12.00PM

Venue: Dr. D.Y. Patil B-School and local areas 

Resource Person: Dr. Ahmad

Program Coordinator: Abhijeet Pambre (Head), Sachin Verma

Organizer: Social Club


  • The campaign focused on raising awareness about the proper handling and care of the national flag. Students were engaged in seminars and workshops to educate them about the historical significance and symbolism associated with the flag.
  • The initiative emphasized cultural sensitivity by promoting a collective understanding of the importance of preserving the sanctity of the national flag, aligning with the broader theme of promoting responsible citizenship.

Brief Report:

 On the 15th of August, Dr. DY Patil B-School orchestrated a compelling "Save Flag" campaign, uniting its students in a patriotic initiative. With a fervent commitment to national pride, the campaign aimed to promote responsible and respectful handling of the national flag. Students actively participated in awareness drives, seminars, and workshops, emphasizing the significance of preserving the sanctity of the flag. The event not only fostered a sense of unity and pride among the students but also instilled a deep understanding of the national emblem's importance in fostering a collective sense of identity and allegiance. The "Save Flag" campaign at Dr. DY Patil B-School served as a commendable effort to instigate a culture of reverence for the national flag, aligning with the spirit of independence and respect for the nation's symbols.

Key Outcome:

 Through collective participation, the campaign contributed to the building of a strong sense of community among the students, fostering a shared commitment to preserving and respecting national symbols.