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Sound Mental Health To Excel In Life

Date: 2nd Feb, 2019

 Time: 10:30 A.M. onwards

 Venue: Dr. D.Y. Patil B-School


  • Raise Awareness
  • Provide Resources and Support To excel in life Objective
  • Promote Healthy Practices Encouraging lifestyle choices empowers individuals.

In our pursuit of public health, it's crucial to recognize the profound impact of mental health. This event, attended by over 60 participants, including students and faculty, shed light on the critical link between mental health and our overall well-being.

Mental health extends beyond the mere absence of illness; it encompasses our emotional, social, and psychological well-being, significantly influencing how we handle stress, maintain relationships, and navigate life. It's the cornerstone of our ability to enjoy life's everyday activities. Unfortunately, mental health issues are pervasive, affecting 1 in 5 adults each year, with 1 in 25 grappling with severe conditions like major depression or bipolar disorder.

The event highlighted that poor mental health isn't just an individual struggle—it affects families, relationships, and even children's development. It can lead to social isolation, strained finances, and emotional distress for families. Moreover, children with family members facing mental health issues may blame themselves, leading to loneliness and future problems.

Recognizing this, we must prioritize mental health in our public health goals. Investing in interventions and reducing socioeconomic inequalities can alleviate children's mental health problems. By doing so, we not only improve individual lives but also strengthen the social fabric that underpins public health.

In an era where mental health stigma is declining, acknowledging its centrality is a crucial step towards healthier communities and fulfilling lives.

Key outcome of the activity:

Sound mental health is crucial for excelling in life, as it influences various aspects of an individual's well-being and success.

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