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Importance Of Technology In Management Education

Date – 28 August 2019 

Time: 1:30 pm 

Venue: Dr. D.Y. Patil B-School College Campus


  1. The ability to connect technology and gain organisation advantage depends upon how efficiently and effectively the technology is managed within the organisation.
  2. To improve, sustain, and diminish the business based on the approaches used in the model.

Participants Details:

60 + participants including students and faculties 

The corporate talk series “Importance of technology in management” helps the student to learn more about the technology and how vast it has become as it is an essential part of our daily lives. Every other task we do today relies heavily on technology. We depend so much on it that we can’t even imagine our lives without technology. We use hundreds of gadgets in our homes, schools, and offices.

Technology improves efficiency, enhances communication, technology saves time, it saves the cost, brings people closer and allows for innovation.

Key outcome of the activity:

The guest lecture on “importance of technology in management helps the student in knowing the technology in every aspect of life like in personal, professional and social we need technology now and then. 

Technology helps us to reduce the time required to do daily work. Like, we can order food online by using apps on mobile phones. It is one of the great things that no human being can’t live without. It is becoming an integral part of human life.

We all are surrounded by technology in our life. From the morning alarm to the switching off the light at night, we are accustomed to it. Due to this, humans feel more secure in his day-to-day activities in both personal and corporate life.

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