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Career In Finance

Date – 23nd March 2018

Time: 01:00 P.M

Venue: Dr. D.Y. Patil B-School


  • To outline the key roles and responsibilities in finance careers, including their respective functions within the industry.
  • To explore the educational and skill requirements necessary to enter and excel in finance professions.
  • To examine the current job market and employment trends within the finance sector.
  • To assess the potential for career advancement and income growth in finance careers.

Speaker Details: Mr. Amit Sethi (AVP, Transaction Advisory Services)

Participants Details: 40+ students with faculties

The Placement Cell at Dr. D.Y. Patil B-school, under the leadership of Mrs. Sheetal Darekar and her team, recently initiated an expert talk program to enrich the institute's value-added activities. This program garnered active participation from the PGDM Batch of 2017-19.

The primary aim of this workshop was to acquaint PGDM students with the current challenges that various industries are currently grappling with. The guest speaker provided valuable insights into the opportunities that await PGDM students in the finance sector. Additionally, the session delved into the challenges that the industry faces and shed light on the recent trends in the finance sector. The event proved to be highly interactive, encouraging and meaningful engagement among the participants.

Key outcome of the activity:

The speaker did an excellent job of articulating the importance of establishing corporate relationships among associates from different countries to raise awareness among PGDM students.

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